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Maximum 1 Domain per account
The domain page needs to have all of the following information: shipping policy, return policy, privacy policy, refund policy, …
Total cost of Rent Ads Agency
Open a free account
Service fee: Depends on the product the customer does business
USD and VND exchange rates: Will change from time to time
DetailWhat are you wondering about right now?
Whether you are a newbie or an old person, you will probably have questions about our Google Agency account rental service, read and find out the questions below.
Rent Ads Agency provides invoice accounts for the following items: Clean goods (POD, dropship, fashion, home gadgets, furniture),Makeup, Beauty shops, Spas
Yes, if the account is locked, the deposit will be forfeited. The remaining amount in the dead account will be frozen by Google. Rent Ads Agency will support you to appeal, or if the final result is a can't use it ever, Rent Ads Agency will support transferring money to another advertising account for you.
Rent Ads Agency does not charge VAT. We only collect:
Yes, you can. However, there may be a fee associated with changing accounts.