As advertising on Facebook grows increasingly pivotal for brands, changing key leadership risks business continuity if ad account ownership transitions aren’t smooth. So what’s the playbook when that crucial moment to securely transfer ownership of your invaluable Facebook ad account arrives? This guide details step-by-step best practices to seamlessly appoint administrator successors, bypass platform tripwires, and optimize future-proofed structures for inevitable shifts ahead.
How to Transfer Ownership Of Facebook Ad Account?
To effectively transfer your Facebook Ad Account to another user or agency, follow these steps:
1. Go to and click on the settings icon (cog wheel) at the bottom left of the screen.
2. Navigate to the "Accounts" section and select "Pages."
3. Choose the page you would like to transfer and click on the "Assign Partners" button.
4. Click on the "Get Link to Share" button, which will generate a link for you to share with the other user or agency.
5. Customize the access levels and permissions you want to grant the other user by clicking on the switches next to each option. For full management access, turn on all the switches.
6. Copy the generated link and paste it into a notepad or a safe location on your desktop.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 for your Ad Accounts by clicking on "Ad Accounts" instead of "Pages" in step 2.
8. Share the generated links with the other Facebook account, agency, or person who will be managing your account.
9. The recipient of the links should sign in to their Facebook account and paste the links into their browser. They will receive an invitation to manage your Pages and Ad Accounts.
By following these steps, you can seamlessly transfer the ownership and management of your Facebook Pages and Ad Accounts to another user or agency, ensuring a smooth transition and collaboration between both accounts.
FAQ: Transferring Ownership of a Facebook Ad Account
Can I transfer my Facebook ad account to someone else?
Yes, it is possible to fully transfer ownership of a Facebook ad account to another user or partner agency. However the process requires going through Facebook's Business Settings and generating special access links.
What permissions can I grant when transferring my ad account?
When initially sharing access links, you can customize permission levels for the recipient. It is recommended to enable all Administrator privileges if you want to fully sign over the account. These include campaign creation/editing, billing privileges, adding/removing pages, etc.
Is transferring ad accounts difficult?
While Facebook's protocols can get complex, transferring ad accounts is very manageable by methodically accessing the share links under Page and Ad Account settings. Provide partners these direct invites and have them accept rather than trying to manually add successors to the Business Manager. This streamlines transitions between accounts.
Can I still access insights after transferring ownership?
No, once ownership transfers the new administrator assumes full control. However, you can access historical ad account data by navigating to the Facebook Ad Library before initiating the transfer.
As we've explored, smoothly transferring vital Facebook advertising assets between accounts relies first on proactively generating shareable permission links. By methodically adjusting settings under Pages and Ads Accounts, brands can securely appoint successor admins with no jeopardy of mid-flight campaign disruptions. While Facebook's intricacies challenge, the checklists provided here ease the crucial moment when transferring ownership of indispensable ad accounts.

Mohamed Fouad is a full-stack web developer and an entrepreneur who's really into advertising. He is the CEO of Rent Ads Agency, a company that helps businesses reach more customers through advertising. He graduated from Stanford University in 2018 and has over 4 years of experience in the tech industry.